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If you gonna to call someone a bitch.  Make sure they are not the owner of the land you are on or a friend of the owner.  You might not be coming back to that land if you do.


If you are filling out job appliaction, put first and last name.  There is over 1000 kitty or steves in SL. BTW, you might want to save it before giving it someone also.

Random Thoughs by Flo

Question in from the Ask Mama Flo Head Quarters….

Dear Mama Flo,

I’ve got this problem and I’m not sure if you can help, but I don’t know who else to turn to.  I bought an item from a traveling vendor a couple of days ago.. let’s just call it an “anatomical object.”  But it didn’t come with any instructions  I have not been able to contact the avatar who sold it to me because I could not remember the exact spelling of his name and the creator is listed as [unknown] in the object.

mama1_squirelSo I tried to attach the object to my avatar, and no matter where I attach it, the thing seems to shift so that it sticks straight up from the top of my head.  I could probably get a hat to cover it up, but that would not prevent the other problem it causes me.  Any time I start a conversation with another avatar, I lose control of mine and begin to head butt the person to whom I’m talking.  I spent a lot of Lindens on this “object” and would like to salvage it if I can.  Please help me Mama Flo.. you’re my only hope!



Dear Dickhead,

Sorry to inform you that I can be of no help and basically you got pwnd.  Don’t trust random people trying to sale you off the streets.  If they cant afford a store and sponge off other people’s land to sell stuff… they just out to get you. So, no help for you and lesson learned.

If you need a attachment that you hint at, around the corner fro Ask Mama Flo Head Quarters is an Xcite mini store… try there.

Mama Flo

Everyone kept saying… you need a place Floatie that people can drop off questions to you so it will be more private and a place to advertise. Well this morning that is what I did at my Car Wash sim… Mama Flo’s Headquarters is located here so you can have a place to drop off those questions when I am not online and make sure I get them.  Just drop a note card into the red mail box and I will check the mail box in the mornings when I do my rounds 🙂

Mama Flo's Headquarters

Mama Flo's Headquarters

Signed Flo

Well the rapid delivery of these questions all came in at same time leaving me to believe all the same person with major issues.  Maybe they need more beer?

“Dear Mama Flo,
I picked up this nice girl at Hell Bop the other day, we’ll call her “lizzy”… I brought her back to my bar, and now she won’t leave & she’s scaring the roaches. What should I do?

Deedle Dastardly”

“Dear Mama Flo,
I picked up this nice girl at Hell Bop the other day, we’ll call her “Alexisss”… I brought her home, and the next morning I discovered I had a case of… umm… prim rot. Can this be cured?

Rotten Down Under”

“Dear Mama Flo,
I picked up this nice girl at Hell Bop the other day, we’ll call her “Bats”… I brought her home and… she wasn’t a girl. Now I don’t know what to do. Do I bring flowers & chocolates, or just go out for a beer? Also, I think I may be pregnant. Does this happen to a lot of guys?

Confused In Car Wash”

“Dear Mama Flo,
I met this nice girl at Hell Bop the other day, we’ll call her “Zombina”… I tried to pick her up, and she started trying to chew through my skull mumbling something about “Brrriiiaannnnn”. My name’s not Brian.

Not Brian”



mama1_turkeyOK, how should I handle this.  Ignore the name dropping and one at a time or… tell them off?  Hmmm… I will take it as a challenge.

Dear Deedle Dastardly,

Spill more beer around the place.. roaches like beer and left over food on the ground makes their tummies full and minds happy.  And, about the girl, leave her there.  Great traffic booster to have some just hang around not doing anything and you don’t have to pay for camping.

Dear Rotten Down Under,

Prim rot can be fixed in several ways, one way could be going through the car wash at Car Wash and actually trying to get clean or you can simply detach the offending prim and deleting it from your inventory.  Of course a new prim will needed if you want to continue your slutty behavior in Hell Bop Bar.

Dear Confused In Car Wash,

Well that actually happens a lot in SL, It is better not to ask about RL if you are not ready for the answers. Next time you pick someone up and you get some pixel pumping action right away, assume something might fishy.  Hey think of this way you made some homemade porn.  And only if you enjoyed yourself the flowers and candy might work for the second session, and the beer for you to help you forget the first mistake you made.

Dear Not Brian,

Hey sometimes you have to let a girl bitch at you to get anywhere. It won’t be the first time and I am sure it won’t be the last.  If she is really this nice girl you say.  Then it is worth it. If you get tired of it. There is always the ignore button.

Dear NooB,

There is no nice girls in Hell, only woman.

Whew I did it! And as I wrote i got more questions.  Will have to save them for tomorrow swear my fingers are going numb.
Mama Flo

May 2024

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